Wednesday, March 18, 2009

First Picnic of the Year!

A brief summary of today's events:
  • Long morning hike that included reading, water/mud play, and oral story-telling
  • Beautiful picnic outdoors (Leek and Potato Soup with couscous salad and pita)
  • An afternoon hike that involved solo time for a non-sleeping child that included measuring water depths, exploring skeleton leaves, long-jumping off of stair stumps, turning sticks into magical walking and talking sticks, and a conversation on Aboriginal cultures
  • Dreamy sleeps for our younger children, followed by soy yogurt, fruit and a little outdoor play to end the day

All is well, as we witness the beauty of Spring slowly revealing itself....

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

First week of March already!

Good day to all forest preschooling families and friends! It's been some time since our last blog, as we've been super busy gearing up for our new staff member to begin, new children starting our preschool, and all the other changes taking place. The past month has been filled with creative adventures; identifying animal calls and where those animals live on Jamie's recorder, learning how difficult it is to make snow-people in dry snow and then brainstorming to use a watering can to assist us in building a snow village, finding a fallen tree and then taking it for a train ride all the way to the Gatineau hills, listening to numerous stories about love during Valentines day, and so much more. We've waved good-bye to Jamie as he has set off to a job in Africa, and now welcome Sara onto our team. Her skills at engaging children from a holistic and creative perspective have been a gift to watch this past week, and I've witnessed the children be drawn to her like the shiniest of magnets. Yesterday, the children opened up our dressup box (which has been there with dress up clothes for about two months now, almost untouched) and played in imaginary worlds for about an hour. I truely believe this is the result of having Sara on our team who so graciously goes about setting up the space in a conscious and engaging manner.

So, on that note: Cheers to the coming of Spring and seeing what kind of magical shinnannigans we can get ourselves into!